Effect of Thai Public Perception of Migrant Workers on Exploitative Labor Practices and Forced Labor

In 2022, Rapid Asia conducted the End-line Evaluation for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project with the lead implementing partner, Winrock International.

As part of the End-line evaluation, Rapid Asia prepared the Learning Paper Series. This paper explores the learning question: “If the perception of the Thai population toward migrant workers changes, will exploitative labor practices that lead to forced labor decrease?”

This paper provides an answer to the learning question and sub-questions through an exploration of three key learnings:

  1. Regular exposure to migrants fosters support for their rights and encourages action against exploitative practices.
  2. Positive media portrayal of migrant workers can shift public attitudes and reduce discrimination.
  3. Employer education on labor laws improves compliance and commitment to ethical labor practices.

To read more about this paper, please click here.