
…age: The system can be set up in any area with mobile phone coverage. Case Study A leading aid agency commissioned Rapid Asia to set up a mobile phone panel (m-panel®) in the Philippines to monitor the launch of a new H1N1 vaccine. Some 50 healthcare workers (HCWs), mostly women from different clinics in Manila, were recruited to participate in the panel. Using their mobile phones, the HCWs reported every week on the progress of the vaccination pr…

Trafficking victim protection in ASEAN

…Rapid Asia undertook an extensive study commissioned by ASEAN-ACT to examine the extent to which the ACTIP has been implemented in seven ASEAN member states, with a particular focus on victim rights and gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI). The study can be found here….

Skilled to care, forced to work?

…In 2022 Rapid Asia carried out a major study on migrant women domestic workers and private household employers in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. The findings provided solid evidence that women are underpaid and undervalued and should be recognized as workers, receiving the same benefits afforded to other workers. The study can be found here….

Migrant Domestic Workers Need Equal Access to Social Security

…loyers’ organizations, domestic worker associations and civil society. The study reveals that migrant domestic workers face numerous challenges due to their vulnerable bargaining position. Despite their work requiring technical skills,  good transversal and attitudinal skills, and higher educational standards, these workers are still labelled as unskilled workers. They endure irregular and long working hours, receive inadequate compensation, and s…

High out-of-pocket expenditures on prescription drugs in Vietnam

…ription drugs, such as antibiotics, without a prescription. [12] Further research into drug prescription processes, availability, prices, and patients’ perceptions of pharmaceuticals could help the government identify shortcomings of current processes. This in turn could open opportunities for future revision of regulations determining drug procurement, prices, and prescription standards. If you found this article useful, please remember to ‘Like’…

Internship opportunities

…interns or their sponsoring institutions. Interns are also responsible for obtaining their necessary visa. Confidentiality: Any unpublished information obtained during the course of the internship must be kept confidential and must not be published or shared with any third parties. Academic Credit: You may receive academic credits from your university for the internship. Please check with your university to confirm their academic credit policy for

What drives meaningful youth engagement?

…Education, hunger and poverty are among 15 action areas the international community identifies for youth development. However, a UN Report in 2020 highlighted that youth in Asia and the Pacific have not equally benefited from the region’s economic dynamism and are facing multiple challenges. Due to their demographic importance, it is essential to optimize efforts to engage youth as partners for a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable…

Pakistani migrant workers at risk of HIV in GULF States

…ial stigma, and supporting those affected. While the challenges persist, a comprehensive approach involving government initiatives and community engagement can help reduce the prevalence of HIV and contribute to a healthier future for Pakistani migrant workers and their communities. If you found this article useful, please remember to ‘Like’ and share on social media and hit the ‘Follow’ button never to miss an article. About the authors:  Daniel…


…In late 2023, Rapid Asia contributed to conducting a survey for WildAid’s shark fin trade project in Thailand. Thailand is one of the most significant markets for the shark fin trade. This research aims to investigate the demand for shark fins in the local Thai markets and better understand the species composition of shark fin products. To read more about this report, please click here….