On March 22, 2017, Rapid Asia in partnership with OXFAM America, Cambodia presented “Understanding the Implication of Macroeconomic Growth on Smallholder Farmer, Landless, Landpoor and…
Authors/editor(s): Rapid Asia with support from UN Women – In markets across Lao People’s Democratic Republic, market management committee representatives consist of officials from…
11th March 2016—More than 100 behavior change experts, including Rapid Asia met in Hong Kong to formulate innovative approaches and action plans to change…
Hong Kong, 11th March 2016—More than 100 behavior change experts, including Rapid Asia met in Hong Kong to formulate innovative approaches and action plans…
Gaining actionable insights to bolster policy advocacy can be difficult and available data is often fragmented. The following framework can help structure and frame…
Interview with Ms Sue Horton, CIGI Chair in Global Health Economics, Department of Economics, University of Waterloo. The interview took place in Bangkok on…
Photo derived from Love Frankie Hanoi, March 30, 2016: Twenty-five Vietnam-based civil society and government organizations convened yesterday in Hanoi and shared lessons learned on…