Are you eating endangered sharks?

…ts to reduce demand for shark fin consumption. Social and behaviour change communications in combination with multistakeholder collaboration will be needed to save vulnerable shark species around the world. The report outlines four important recommendations: Improve traceability system for shark fin trade: due to its significant role in the international trade of shark fin, Thailand needs to rapidly strengthen its capability to trace the supply ch…

Preventing School Dropouts in Nepal and Cambodia

…cornerstone of the program’s success. The innovative co-payment model for community teacher salaries in Nepal is a prime example of how resource constraints can be overcome through creative solutions. This model not only ensured the availability of sufficient teaching staff but also fostered community involvement in education. Such approaches could be replicated in other regions to extend program reach. However, there are areas where efficiency c…

High out-of-pocket expenditures on prescription drugs in Vietnam

…ts’ perceptions of pharmaceuticals could help the government identify shortcomings of current processes. This in turn could open opportunities for future revision of regulations determining drug procurement, prices, and prescription standards. If you found this article useful, please remember to ‘Like’ and share on social media, and hit the ‘Follow’ button to never miss an article. About the authors:  Daniel Lindgren is the Founder of Rapid Asia C…

Migrant Domestic Workers Need Equal Access to Social Security

…loyers’ organizations, domestic worker associations and civil society. The study reveals that migrant domestic workers face numerous challenges due to their vulnerable bargaining position. Despite their work requiring technical skills,  good transversal and attitudinal skills, and higher educational standards, these workers are still labelled as unskilled workers. They endure irregular and long working hours, receive inadequate compensation, and s…

Core team

…also joint author of several books and publications including: “The New Investor’s Handbook for Indonesia” (2004), “Public Opinion Polling in a Globalised World” (2007), “From Customer Retention to a Holistic Stakeholder Management System” (2008). “A new way of measuring behavioural compliance for prevention programme interventions using KAP Score” (2019). He is currently Treasurer with the Thai Swedish Chamber of Commerce and a Director with BMR…

Why employers risk employing undocumented migrants

…d employers to take risks of employing undocumented migrants. The report recommends remedying the situation through interventions that ensure that labour demand is met whilst migrants are safe, and free from exploitation, and can contribute to both Thailand and Myanmar’s development. If you found this article useful, please remember to ‘Like’ and share on social media and hit the ‘Follow’ button never to miss an article. To read more about seeking…

Internship opportunities

…sure to an international and diverse work environment A strong letter of recommendation from the Founder of Rapid Asia All documents must be submitted to: Duration: Normally three to six months. Salary: Due to prevailing tax laws in Thailand, the internship is unpaid. All costs related to travel, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses must be borne by either the interns or their sponsoring institutions. Interns are also…

Trafficking victim protection in ASEAN

…Rapid Asia undertook an extensive study commissioned by ASEAN-ACT to examine the extent to which the ACTIP has been implemented in seven ASEAN member states, with a particular focus on victim rights and gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI). The study can be found here….

Skilled to care, forced to work?

…In 2022 Rapid Asia carried out a major study on migrant women domestic workers and private household employers in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. The findings provided solid evidence that women are underpaid and undervalued and should be recognized as workers, receiving the same benefits afforded to other workers. The study can be found here….

Global CAPI surveys

…in the data. Consistency: more data consistency as the survey is programmed once and only adjusted to incorporate translations. Flexibility: Ability to instantly correct mistakes and simultaneously update the online questionnaire during training and pilot testing. Quality: Ability to do real-time data monitoring down to individual enumerators. Top line data: Interim data can be downloaded and shared with clients anytime. Faster: No need for manual…

Navigating transformational changes and transitions

In 2023, Rapid Asia conducted research on behalf of the International Labour Organization (ILO) with support from the ILO/Japan Multi-bilateral Programme. The “Navigating transformational changes and transitions” report reveals significant transformations in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector, driven by technological advancements and the shift towards electric and low-carbon vehicles. The report explores the evolving landscape of skills d…

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For expressions of interest in working or partnering with Rapid Asia please fill in the form below and submit to us. We will get back with you shortly. Name * Email address * Contact phone number Skype ID Thematic or Expert area of interest * Health Disaster relief Education Water and sanitation Climate change Migration, human and wildlife trafficking Employment Policy development Public opinion Brief Biography * reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave…